Invasive Plants Database
Reference (Japan)
All literatures are in Japanese.
- 1992
- Ide, M, Moriyama, H. and Harada, N. (1992)
Ecological Studies on the Rural Landscape Pattern and its Effects on Plant Species Flow, J JILA 56(1):28-38
- 1994
- Ide, M., Harada, N. and Moriyama, H. (1994)
Composition of Dispersed Seeds and its Effects on the Understory Vegetation of the Fragmented Secondary Forests, J. JILA 57(5):199-204
- 1996a
- Hattori, T., Sawada, Y., Kodate, S., Asami, K. and Ishida, H. (1996)
Ecological Studies on the Municipal Forest. I. Alnus sieboldiana-Ligstrum vulgare Comm. in the New Town, Takarazuka, Human and Nature (7):73-87
- 1996b
- Maekawa, M. and Nakagoshi, N. (1996)
Transactions of the Japanese Forestry Society 107, 441-444
- 1997
- Nakatsubo, T (1997)
Colonization of Invasive Grasses in a River Floodplain : its Impact on the Riparian Plant Community, Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology 2(3):179-187
- 1998
- Ishida, H., Hattori, T. and Yamato, M. (1998)
Ecological Studies on the Municipal Forest. II. Biological Invasion of Landscaping Trees into the Fragmented Secondary Forests in Flower Town, Sandan Hyogo Pref., Human and Nature (9):27-32
- 2001a
- Yoshinaga, C. (2001)
Urban Ecological Study on Expansion of Glossy Privet (Ligstrum lusidum Ait.), Urban Green Tech (43)
- 2001b
- Maesako, Y. (2001)
- 2002
- The Ecological Society of Japan (edt.) (2002)
Handbook of Alien Species in Japan, Chijinshokan, Tokyo, pp.390
- 2003a
- Ishida, H. (2003)
- 2003b
- Suzuki, H. and Suzuki, M. (2003)
- 2003c
- Shimizu, T. (edt.) (2003)
Naturaluzed Plants of Japan, Heibonsha Ltd., Tokyo, pp.337
- 2003d
- Toyoda, T (2003)
Flora of Bonin Islands, Aboc & Co., Ltd., Kamakura, pp.522
- 2004
- Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History (2004)
- 2005
- Okubo, K. and Oka, M. (2005)
Distribution and Habitat Conditions of Naturalized Plant Species Buddleja davidii and Native Close-Species Buddleja japonica of the Mibu River Water System in the Akaishi Mountains, Landscape Research Japan 68(4):301-304